Sunday, November 13, 2011

 These are two of the Master's degree students at the Institute who we have enjoyed getting to know.  Nii Okai is a music leader at a Methodist church in Accra and is a popular Christian recording artist in Ghana.  He was elected by his classmates as their class representative.  If you search for his name on the internet you will find several sites where you can learn more about him and hear his music.

Jane Quaye is an attorney.  She received her law degree from Georgetown University and is an outspoken advocate for women's issues.  While there are many men pastors in the class, Jane is not  intimidated in the least and challenges them in class discussions enthusiastically. When the members of the class introduce themselves, she has humorously started calling herself the "district minister."  One of the purposes of the Master's program in Theology and Mission here at ACI is to provide theological training, not only for pastors, but for lay people who are active in the public sphere.  Jane and Nii will make a huge impact in Ghana in the future.

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