Saturday, December 3, 2011

Today was Graduation Day at ACI.  What a wonderful day!  Traditional African dancers and drummers led a procession of the graduates and faculty from the campus to Christ Church where the ceremony was held.  The conferring of degrees was very moving, especially knowing all the work that has been required on behalf of both the students and the faculty for them to complete the caliber of research and writing that ACI demands.  Students from six different countries received degrees, including an African-American Master's degree student from the US.

Two PhD degrees were awarded, one to Seblewengel Daniel from Ethiopia.  She teaches Systemtatic Theology and is the first woman from Ethopia ever to receive a PhD in Theology.  She is a delightful and amazing young woman and we are thrilled for her.  She was chosen to speak on behalf of the students and is delivering her remarks in this photo.  What a memorable way for us to conclude our first term here.  We leave for the US on Friday, and while we are eager to return home, we are already missing being here. 

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