Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Just a warning to the squeamish - this post might gross you out, so maybe you want to take a pass! But if you want to read on, Ghana seems to be home to a large portion of the world's termite population. This photo is just the beginning of a baby termite hill. Before long these host trees will be dust and all that will be left will be a mountainous termite home. Despite treating wood that is used, we were told that not long ago one of the bookcases in the Training Center library collapsed from termite damage and all the books in it were turning to dust.

During heavy rains the termites are forced out of their hills. They are drawn to light as we discovered one evening last week when our living room was invaded by hundreds of them until we realized we needed to turned the light off. Fortunately they don't bite and they die quickly. In addition to the ones we swept out, there were literally thousands of them on the ground outside the next morning. We were told that villagers often collect them, pull the wings off, and fry them for a treat to eat. I know that God provides, but really?

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