Sunday, October 9, 2011

Dianne was invited to preach at Christ Church this morning.  It was Education Sunday, so it was a very appropriate day.  They use the lectionary, so the District Minister you see in the photo selected the Scripture text for her, Matthew 22:1-14, Jesus' parable about  a wedding banquet.  It was a bit of a stretch, but maybe it appealed to him because he is a newlywed!

This is an elementary Sunday School class at Christ Church.  Church school here is serious business!  Children wear uniforms for church school just as they do for regular school.  The adults standing around the class are there for "discipline" and the children are very well-behaved.  Learning is all oral.  Even in one of the larger churches like this, there is little in the way of material for children to use.  The children learn songs and verses and hear Bible stories.  I wish they could experience a Sunday at First Pres in the Kingdom!

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