Monday, October 31, 2011

The Master's students have returned for their second 3-week intensive block of classes.  The ACI students are very impressive.  In addition to pastors, there are bankers, businessmen, lawyers, teachers, missionaries, a Methodist bishop, a Christian recording artist, and even a tribal chief.  They are from Ghana, Rwanda, Nigeria, South Africa, Burkina Faso, and Canada.  Jerry and I get to sit in on classes so we have a better understanding of what students are writing about when we work with them on their papers. What a privilege - they are extraordinary!
There are 3 courses given during each block.  Students write a 2000 word essay for each course and also take written exams.  The exams are 3 hours each on 3 consecutive days.  Here the students are writing their exams for Block 1.   Jerry and I love sitting in on the classes, but are grateful we don't have to take the exams! 

1 comment:

  1. Dianne, you are easy to pick out with your red hair :) Looks like engrossing work.
