Monday, June 17, 2013

It has been fun to see some of the road signs in Scotland.  Here are a couple of our favorites:

Sheep are everywhere.  Here is a quote from the Isle of Skye Visitor's Guide: "Let's be clear on this - sheep are not to be regarded as cuddly, friendly, wooly jumpers.  Treat them as devious, plotting, assasins hired by some crooked breakdown merchant to force cars off the road.  In short, they are a menace."  The folks in Fionnphort, however, seem to have a much more protective attitude. They love their sheep and lambs and see cars as the menace!
There are several different kinds of signs to alert drivers to the different animals that might be in the roadway to be on the lookout for - deer, sheep, cows, etc.  But this was a new one for us - watch out for those old folks crossing the road!

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