Friday, June 14, 2013

This week was our last trip to see some other parts of Scotland.  We were hopefully saving the best for last, visiting the Isle of Skye, said to be the most beautiful part of the country.  Unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate. :(  It was cloudy and foggy the days we were there, so we didn't see it at its best.

So most of our photos are like this -- on the misty side!                                                                                                                                                       
This is an area called the Quiraing on the northernmost part of Skye.  It is made up of unusual cliffs and pinnacles produced by lava flows millions of years ago.
From the Quiraing, looking down on the road coming up to it!

This bridge from the mainland to Skye was build in 1995.  Until then, the only way to reach the island was by ferry. It was originally a toll bridge, but the people protested so strongly that the toll was finally removed.  The sound below the bridge is reportedly the home to many otters which we were hoping to see, but alas, I guess they were on vacation.
The other challenge of our trip to Skye came from some small gnat-like insects called midges.They bite and they LOVED Rose!  She was prepared, however, with her fashionable net hat. Enjoying such beautiful scenery (when it is sunny) requires some Scottish fortitude.  All in all, we were glad to return to Iona!

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