Friday, May 16, 2014

This is a church in one of the rural villages called Adubiliyili. Our experience worshiping with this congregation last Sunday was amazing.  The people there worship, sing, and pray with all their hearts. The chapel is simple but well-loved. Some cows ambled by and looked in the door during the Scripture reading. The only instrument they have for music is drums. Yet God was so powerfully present among them that we were profoundly moved.
Dianne had been invited to preach at Adubiliyili last Sunday for a baptism service. Twenty-one people were baptized, most of them teenagers. Since the village does not have their own pastor, the baptisms were performed by the visiting District Minister, Rev. Haruna.  It was thrilling to be part of this special day in their lives. Please pray for this faithful congregation and these young people as they take on the challenges facing them as Christians in this area.

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