Saturday, September 3, 2011

Prayer is serious business in Ghana.  Religion is an integral part of everyone's life here.  Ghanaians are said to be "innately and incurably religious, they wear religion like their skin." A realm of spirits, both good and evil, is basic to their worldview.  They see every part of life as spiritual and the events of their lives to have spiritual causes.  Those who practice African traditional religion perform many rituals every day to their deities in order to gain the favor and protection of the good spirits and to ward off the perils of the evil ones.  Those who have become Christian bring that same integration of spirituaity and life to their faith.  They pray earnestly and fervently many times a day about every aspect of their lives with the conviction that God hears and answers their prayers and that their lives depend on it.

Here at ACI the entire community gathers to begin and end the day with prayer.  Every class begins and ends with prayer.  These prayers are not just a formality.  They are specific, focused, and deeply felt.  Other activities are bathed in prayer - appointments, meals, travel, study.  Our own prayer lives seem pale by comparison.  We have been challenged to reflect on our personal views about prayer and the place of prayer in our lives.  So we write this with the prayer that when you read it you will take a moment to think about your own prayer life and to pray for the Christians in Ghana.

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