Saturday, September 24, 2011

This is a Chapel on the campus of the Teachers' College next door to the Institute.  Like the Institute, the College is located on the property of the first Christian mission in Ghana, the Basel Mission.  Outside the door of the Chapel is a placque mounted on the wall.  It was given a few years ago by one of the College graduating classes with the names of some of the first missionaries along with the dates of their births and deaths.  Only two people on this list lived beyond the age of 40.  Most of the first missionaries died in their 30's within a few months of reaching Ghana.
Some of these missionaries are buried in this cemetery outside the Chapel.  Most of them died of malaria, or rather from the mistaken treatment of malaria.  European doctors did not know how to treat the disease.  They thought the fever was due to something in the blood and the treatment they used was "bleeding" their patients.  Only when they finally consulted the local herbalists were they successful in helping the missionaries to survive.  As short-term Western visitors, we take malaria medicine on a preventative basis.  Long-term mission workers generally do not.  Most of them contract malaria at some point, but with healthy immune systems and medication, they are able to recover without complications. 

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