Saturday, September 3, 2011

The preferred mode of transporting items in Ghana is on your head.  It amazes me what people can carry - huge buckets and pans of water each morning, but also enormous baskets of produce, laundry, inventory of various kinds for their roadside stands, firewood, furniture, construction materials like lumber and bags of cement, you name it.  It is quite an art.  They wear a small ring on their head under the load, but they don't use their hands.  They walk swinging their arms with their cargo in perfect balance.  This practice isn't unique to Ghana, of course.  It is used in many countries around the world.  I'm sure it is "ergonomically" (a modern word but an ancient need) very efficient.  It certainly promotes good posture, and I haven't seen many Ghanaians stooped over from osteoporisis!  I may ask someone to teach me, but I imagine it takes some practice, so in the meantime I don't think I will give up my backpack!

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