Wednesday, April 24, 2013

This is Iona Abbey.  It has been a destination for pilgrims for centuries and is the reason thousands of visitors come to the island each summer.  The Abbey was founded by St. Columba who came to Iona in 563 and who is credited with bringing Christianity to Scotland.  Restoration of the ruins began in 1905, a vision of the Duke of Argyll who owned the island at that time and was committed to restoring the Abbey for public worship. Today it is in the care of Historic Scotland.  The Abbey is in daily use by the Iona Community, an ecumenical movement for peace and justice, who have members around the world as well as resident staff here on the island who conduct morning and evening worship services. Jerry, Rose, and I attend these services whenever we can as they are a wonderful way to begin and end the day.  The worship is a rich and meaningful combination of traditional and contemporary.  It is reflective, yet participatory, and is supported with outstanding music. The Iona Community publishes their worship resources, so I may need to purchase another suitcase! Actually, many are available on Amazon if you are interested. :)

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