Sunday, April 7, 2013

This is our new home on Iona! Not really.  This building, built in 1824, was the church manse.  Quite palatial lodgings for the time!  When the Iona church formed a single parish with another on the Isle of Mull, the manse there in Bunessan became the minister's home.  The near wing of this building has been leased to Historic Scotland and is now the site of the Iona  Heritage Center.  The far wing has become a tea room called the Garden Cafe. Proceeds from both support the church. However, the church has preserved a small apartment on the second floor in the center of the building which is Jerry's and Dianne's new home away from home. 
Nestled under the trees to the left of the manse is this building called a bothy (pronounced "bawthy").  It is a typical 1800's Scottish cottage, perhaps the minister's servants' quarters as well as shelter for the animals.  This is Rose's home while we are here. (You can imagine the fun she is having teasing us about that!)  You can see some nests in the trees above which are home to dozens of loud squawking crows.  Thank goodness for Rose who loves all God's creatures.  She has made friends with them and adopted them as pets!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like Rose is living in a Hobbit hutch! So beautiful. Blessings to all of you!
