Sunday, April 14, 2013

Today was our first Sunday preaching and leading worship.  Rose and Dianne did a 2-part sermon on John 21.  Jerry served as liturgist.  The weather has been "wild and woolly" the last couple of days - rainy, chilly, and windy.  But shortly before the service this morning the sun came out.  Amazing! Most of the regulars were able to make it to church as well as some visitors.  The Sunday services at different places of worship here on Iona are staggered, so that one can do a morning of "progressive worshiping."  The Episcopal service at Bishops House is at 8:00, Catholic House of Prayer has mass at 9:30, worship at the Iona Abbey is at 10:30, and worship at Parish Church is at 12:00 noon.                                                                                                                                                     
Following the service at Parish Church we caught the ferry for Mull for the service at the church in Bunessan at 2:30.  The wild and woolly weather had returned by this time which made for an interesting ride.  Two members of the church met us and drove us to the service.  Both congregations, though small, love to sing, which is a delight.  They enjoy many of our familiar hymns, though often to different tunes. Tea and cake were served following the service.  On Mull the services alternate weeks between two locations, the church at Bunessan where we were today and St. Ernan's church in Creich (pronounced "cree") where we will be next week.  The ferry had a difficult time landing on our return and our feet got drenched as we needed to wade ashore.  But we are safely back in our lodgings warming up with hot soup after a full and remarkable day!

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