Friday, August 26, 2011

We thought the rainy season was over, but it is pouring rain today, the hardest since we have been here.  We realize how accustomed we have been to taking water for granted.  The Institute uses several large water tanks to collect rain water.  They sit at the corners of the buildings and downspouts from the roof gutters direct runoff into them.  They are certainly getting a good refill today!  Our bathroom and kitchen both have barrels of water to use when no water comes from the faucets.  They are refilled when needed from the rainwater collection tanks.  At least we have faucets.  Many in Akropong do not. Every morning a stream of children walk down the street outside our guest house with buckets on their heads to collect water for their families for the day.  We are doing our best to learn to conserve, but old habits are hard to break.  No standing under the shower, rinsing dishes under running water, etc. We need to use bottled water for cooking, tooth brushing, and contact lenses, so that helps limit our consumption.  Having all the clean (and hot!) water we desire whenever we turn on the faucet is something we won't take for granted in the future!

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