Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Here are some photos from our first Scottish "holiday."  Michael and Anna Hogan, a couple we have met who help occasionally at the Catholic House of Prayer here on Iona, run a B&B on the north of Mull called Kilbrennan Farm.  They invited us to visit, so we left early Monday morning, took the ferry to Mull, and a bus to Salen where Anna picked us up.  Monday afternoon was rainy, but undeterred we explored the area around their home with beautiful views of both the sea and mountains. Tuesday, however, was sunny and warm, one of the nicest days since we have been in Scotland.  We took a ferry to the island of Ulva and spent the day on a looooooong hike (primarily because we were lost half the time!)  We arrived back at Kilbrennan exhausted but grateful for a wonderful day.

The Parish Church on Ulva. The island has very few inhabitants and services are only held twice a year, at Easter and harvest time.
Rose in the pulpit at the Ulva church.
Hiking on Ulva with spectacular views in every direction.
Dianne at the ruins of a cottage once inhabited by David Livingstone. (At least we think so. As we said we were a little lost.  It was one of those ruins anyway!)
One of Michael and Anna's neighbors, Lucy, has this lovely home with a magnificent garden.
Red deer come up to Michael and Anna's house to graze in the evenings.  There are at least 30 around the farm.
Sunset over Loch Tuath.

1 comment:

  1. After Kilpatrick, I can't believe you trust Rose and go on a "wee" hike. Thanks for the beautiful updates.
