Thursday, May 16, 2013


Here, at last, is a picture of the elusive corncrake! We are getting quite an education in birds.  It turns out that the birds living above Rose's bothy aren't crows at all.  They are rooks, and the nests in the trees are a "rookery."  Rooks squawk loudly while corncrakes sound more like a buzzsaw.  Then there is also a cuckoo who chimes 24/7.  So we have quite the symphony of birds.  We've seen some beautiful oyster catchers with long orange beaks and look forward to seeing puffins on nearby Staffa Island. We are also told we might see sea eagles, huge birds of prey, some with 9' wing spans, that can pick up a small lamb.  We are beginning to understand why Scots are so avid about birds.  There is an organization called the RSPB, the Royal Society for the Preservation of Birds, who seems to have as much clout as Parliament!

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