Wednesday, May 29, 2013

We spent a day in Glasgow on our trip last week.  This is Glasgow Cathedral.  The building was dedicated in 1197 and worship has been carried out here continuously for more than 800 years. Amazing! It is the only formerly Roman Catholic cathedral in Scotland to have survived the Reformation without having its roof destroyed because the people of Glasgow rallied around it to protect it. Today it is home to a Church of Scotland congregation while the Catholics have moved St. Andrews.

We stopped at the University of Glasgow.  As you can see, the spring flowers were spectacular!  The university was founded in 1450 and is the 4th oldest university in the English-speaking world.  One of its most famous alums (or infamous depending on your views) was Adam Smith.
We spent the rest of the afternoon at the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum.  It is the home of the famous Salvatore Dali painting, Christ of St. John of the Cross, which was pretty spectacular.  They also had a wonderful collection of impressionist paintings which we especially enjoyed.                                                                                    

On our way to the train the next morning, we encountered a parade for William of Orange.  The clerk in the coffee shop where we stopped for breakfast told us that it was just a good excuse for all the guys to hit the pubs early!

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