Friday, August 19, 2011

As those who visited ACI with the Chicago Presbytery mission team can attest, it can be quite noisy during the night in Akropong!  There are no "front yards," so houses are next to the street.  Beds are often only a few feet from those walking by outside.  Our guest house doesn't have glass in the windows, only screens and wooden shutters.  So there is little to block out the sound from outside.  In addition to music from town at night and the persistent roosters early in the mornings, we have often heard singing and shouting and commotion that sounds like a church service, sometimes as early as 4:30 or 5:00 am.  We asked about it today and discovered that it is called the "Dawn Broadcast!"  Ghanaian Christians are very enthusiastic and creative about their evangelism.  Since few people have TVs, radios, or even electric clocks, some congregations gather early on weekday mornings and walk together through the town to help their neighbors "wake up" to the gospel message.  They stop in several places for someone to preach and the group to sing.  It is sort of like setting your alarm clock to K-Love on the radio with the volume turned up!

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