Saturday, August 13, 2011

We're eating well in Ghana.  There is food in abundance, though it seems somewhat monotonus after all the variety we have been used to.  The main vegetable is cabbage.  The fruits are bananas and pineapple.  There are also oranges but I find them rather bitter.  Meats are chicken and fish - small whole fish with scales, eyes, and all.  (I'm actually getting to the place where I can get some fish out of one, rather than just a pile of skin and bones!). There are also beans (black-eyed variety) and eggs. Carbs come in the form of rice and yams.  The yams are different from those in the US though.  They are huge, white, and served in big slices.    Everything generally comes with one of two sauces -- a green sauce called palava made from cassava leaves or a red sauce made from tomatoes and peppers.  The only milk is canned or powdered and coffee is instant.  The big treat for me is Ghanaian cocoa.  Ghana is the world's 2nd largest producer of cocoa.  So some cocoa, powdered milk, sugar, and hot water make me a happy camper!

Food is not so abundant elsewhere in Africa right now.  I'm sure you have seen the news accounts of the famine in Somalia.  Please pray for God's intervention and provision in this desperate situation.

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