Saturday, August 13, 2011

We're trying to learn some new habits to be respectful of the Ghanaian culture.  One of the most challenging has been to learn not to cross our legs at the knees!  When we are in meetings or classes or at church with Ghanaians, we have discovered that they do not cross their legs, unless at the ankles.  Our PCUSA liaison Josh Heikkila pointed out to us that this is because the only person in a gathering who crosses their legs at the knees is the chief.  It was quite interesting that when we visited the village of Oduntia to dedicate the new school that the Chicago Presbytery and the Kaneshie Presbyterian Church are building there, the village chief and his family who have become Christians were in prominent attendance.  However, the  fetish priest of the village who has not become a Christian also came to the ceremony.  He sat in front of the congregation and crossed his legs at the knees - a not so subtle way of saying that he was the one really in charge.  Please pray for the new believers in Oduntia as they face challenges to their faith.

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