Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Classes have begun for students and, gratefully, for Jerry and me too!  We have the wonderful opportunity to sit in each morning on a beginning master's level theology class called "History of Christian Thought." As with every course at ACI, the goal for students is not just to accumulate information and give it back on an exam or in a paper, but to learn to reflect theologically and most of all to integrate their learning into their own faith and lives.  ACI emphasizes study as an act of spiritual devotion, loving God with all of our hearts and minds.  All of us are "missionaries," whether we know it or not.  Our lives are our mission, our witness to who Christ is for us.  Our lives are also the expression of our theology, our understanding of who Jesus is and what he means to us.  Pray that students would see Jesus in us and in our lives as we seek to minister to them.

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