Sunday, August 21, 2011

Since our first encounter with the roach in the kitchen, we have been pleasantly surprised by the lack of bugs.  There are lots of small geckos running around.  After all the Geico insurance commercials we are used to seeing at home, they are very cute and seem to have a lot of personality.  They are also very fast, so it is good to keep the doors closed so they don't come to visit!  We get a few bites, but never see what is doing the biting.  They are not bothersome enough to require mosquito netting or constant coating with repellant. There are cats and dogs around people's houses along with animals headed for the dinner table, e.g. chickens, sheep, and goats.  The only "African" wildlife in evidence are monkeys.  They are very cute but not good to tangle with.  We were taking a walk one day around the teacher's college next door when a small boy came up to us and pleaded with us to retrieve his soccer ball from a monkey who was playing with it up on a ledge. The monkey was literally "having a ball."  The boy was very distraught and we felt pretty helpless.  We scolded the monkey from afar and encouraged the boy to be patient.  Hopefully he and his soccer ball have been reunited! 

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